Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another birthday!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not as quiet as I thought...

So, we went to the dinner-movie place in Colleyville, which helped sell the idea to the hubs, since he could have a beer during this suredly sappy movie.
Anywho, to make a long and rambling story short, I must have been doing such a poor job at muffling my tears, sniffles and...okay....I admit....sobs, that one of the theater waiter folks brought me a huge bag of popcorn rights towards the end of the show (not at the beginning, when I'd have time to enjoy it, literally like 5 minutes before the show ended), for no reason at all. Well, let me rephrase that, for no reason at all, to me. Jordan seems to think it was for a very good reason, so that I might munch on the popcorn and perhaps silence my sobs. I choose to think she just felt sorry for me.
Either way, I was a wreck, a blubbering goofball. BUT, I must mention that I am due a certain monthly visitor (did I just type that) anyday now, and feel most certain that attributed to my weepy emotional experience.
Did anyone else out there get as choked up over this dear, dear movie? I mean, I know I am a dog lover, but geez, this was nuts!!! A great flick, but perhaps one better to be viewed in the privacy of one's own home :).
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Gatorade and 7 Pricks
Answer: Not enough, and too much.
Been fighting (and losing) this virus battle since Sunday night.
My doc called in some anti-nausea meds for me on Monday, only to find the stuff makes me more nauseous.
After trying to wait this mean thing out for 3 more days, I returned to the doctor again this afternoon to get to the bottom of this. I mean, seriously, 4 days and still not better? After getting a new anti-nausea medicine (please, please work this time), I headed into the lab tech's office, only to be pricked 7, yes 7 times by the lab tech and doctor himself, in attempts(read failed) to draw blood. Evidently the gallons upon gallons of Gatorade I have been so diligently downing are not helping to hydrate me, thus making blood drawing oh-so-lovely (insert major sarcasm).
Alright, enough pitty partying for tonight, I am off to the couch again. At least The Office and Grey's are on tonight.
Crossing my fingers and saying a selfish prayer I am feeling better tomorrow and able to get into the office.
Steer clear of any germs peeps, this is brutal!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What's that I hear? And what's that I smell?
My oh-so thoughtful and creative brother surprised Brooke early yesterday morning by waking her up and telling her to pack her bags because their flight left in 3 hours!
He rented this cute cabin on a winery/vineyard for the weekend.
The cabin Reg found for them at the Goldeneye Winery
I mean seriously, how friggin' romantic!
Anywho, I got the call this a.m. that the question had been asked...and that the reply received had been - YES!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm in love with another man...'s Mr. Clean!!!
Ha! I got your attention, didn't I ?!?!?
Have any of you discovered the greatness that is Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser?
OMG. These things are ingenious!
I don't know about y'all, but our house has a million and one scuff marks, whether they be on doors, baseboards, walls, etc...and they bug me!
Well, have no fear and be bugged no longer...the hottie bald man has come to my rescue with his super, duper, oh-so-fabulous Magic Eraser. Wet with water and then rub on problem area(s) and...presto-magico!!! This thing makes everything look as good as new.
Okay, I am done being waaaaay too over the top about a household cleaning product.
Although most of y'all are too shy to comment, if any of you DO have any other great finds, (i.e. sham wow, snuggies, dr trimmer/mower) please share!Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I can't touch my toes
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A True Classic
The Fam
Look at what a stud my Dad was! Sic 'Em Bears!!!!
I really think I need 2 hats to really have fun!
Mabry loves her some balloons...especially after bedtime! many more fun times celebrating a great man. We love you, Daddy!!!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Happy New Year
The Ladies after dinner at Momo's
Amy,myself and Jen
Kami and I
Me and the hubs