Monday, February 22, 2010

We're half way there...yayyy, livin' on a prayer...

I cannot, I repeat absolutely cannot believe we are half way through this wonderful, crazy ride called pregnancy this week. Where, oh where, hath the time gone?! Oh, I's called life. And it's been pretty dern hectic lately.

We have our next appointment with Dr. W next week (21 weeks) for our sonogram and check-up. I am, of course, really excited to hopefully find out what this little one is (let's hope he/she cooperates and spreads 'em wide, he! he!)

BUT, more than anything, I am looking forward to getting to SEE our baby again. It has been 8 weeks since our last sono and that one was about 20 seconds long and only happened because the nurse practitioner couldn't find the heartbeat using the doppler. It was not exactly the way I'd choose to get to see the little one on the screen.

Daily, nightly, at my desk at work, randomly at a stop light, I find myself praying over our child. Praying for continued healthy development, good fluid levels, performing organs, 10 fingers and toes, get the picture. I do not take a single detail of this life for granted. I suppose it is becasue when you're at my age and everyone around you is having children, you hear so often of things that can or have gone wrong...things that have given parents-to-be some real scares. Jordan and I trust in the Lord with all of our hearts for we know He already knows the path for this little one and that great things are in store for this new life. BUT, (there's always a but, right?) I am always a bit relieved after each doctor appointment, hearing the heartbeat etc...

Psalm 139:13-18
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!

And, so this post does not go without pics (what fun would that be, right?)...

Here you have it folks, the bump watch as of late.





As I mentioned at the beggining of this post, I am 20 weeks as of tomorrow and have been feeling really good. I take that back, back being the key word. I am feeling really good aside from my aching back. I know, I know, that's to be expected and it will no doubt get worse as the weeks and weight increase :).

Oh btw...based on belly pics, anyone wanna put in their own two cents as to what you think Baby Young is?


S, J, B, & S said...

Ok. A) You are TINY! Cutest lil bump!!! and B) My guess is BOY! (But I'm almost always wrong! Ha!) I can't believe you're halfway there!!!!!

KW said...

how CUTE are you!?!? i'm pretty sure you look smaller pregnant than i do UN-preggers! i'm going to say girl. but that's only because i love all things girly :) hope he she is all KINDS of un-ladylike/un-bashful and lets you know if you've got a boy or girl munchkin in that cute bump of yours!

Randee said...
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Randee said...

I'm agreeing with Katie here. I think "Baby Young" is gonna be a GIRL!

Kyle and Marci said...

I'm thinking girl too! You're so cute with that itty bitty bump. I know you always feel bigger than you are. Hope you continue to feel good :)

kinsey said...

girl! you look awesome and i'm so glad you are feeling so good!!

Jay and Kristen said...

My guess is girl only because you were so sick. And because I think it will be awesome for Jordan to live in a house full of, soph and Baby Y! I CANNOT wait to find out what yall are having! And ps, I'm like 9 weeks behind you and I'm pretty sure I look just as pregnant, shoot! you have the cutest little baby bump ever =)

Anonymous said...

Let me just say we really miss you guys last weekend and hope to see you soon.

That has 2 be the cutest little belly! Love it!! My guess is...?? Not sure yet. I am 60/40. girl/boy. Praying for a healthy lil' one!

Kimberly Jordan Walker & Sophie said...

Ha! Yall are too kind. I suppose it must have been flattering lighting or somethin'...i see more belly than bump i think :). Bare belly pics may soon come to an end as the lbs pack on, he he!

The Warren Family said...

I think boy!! But healthy baby is what we are praying for.. Cant wait to hear the good news.

Emily said...

Kimberly~ You look amazing!! Such a cute bump! My guess is girl:) Can't wait to hear the news! Congrats on being half way there!