Monday, February 15, 2010

Home, sweet home...

Here are some pics of our new home just as we were beginning to move in last weekend. It is still a work in progress, (i.e. getting the landscaping installed) but it is starting to feel more and more like OUR home with each day.

For the most part we are unpacked and out of the many, many boxes. Now we just have to "jazz it up" a bit and give things our personal touch.

Jordan and I are so very thankful to be in our new house that we designed from scratch (with help from the architect, of course) and poured countless hours of thoughts, decisions and wonderings into. We are also SO very excited to raise our family in this new home. (p.s...I have sworn to him I am not moving again until I am 90.)


S, J, B, & S said...

Wow!! It's amazing!! I love every thing about it!!!

Emily said...

Kimberly~ It is GORGEOUS!! You and Jordan did an amazing job!!

KW said...

WOAH! your house is BEAUTIFUL!!! congrats on your new place!!! :)

The Montague's said...

I cant wait to come over and play!