Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random Question

So, I am not sure how many gals (i know there are no admitted men readers) read my blog that aren't mamas yet.

But here is my question: have any of you ever felt crazy pressure/need to claim a name? like there could possibly become a shortage of viable names...i know, i am a bit neurotic.

There is seriously something in the water and it seems as though a million and one gal pals of mine are preggo....so of course they are snagging some oh-so-cute, some original and some more common baby names. BUT, i also have a few (not a lot, to be honest) friends who are neither expecting nor "trying" and already have reserved girl and boy names.

Is it odd that this sort of freaks me out?


Paige and Jon Erickson said...

Jon has a big family, so we have a "first come, first serve" policy. No calling dibs on names!

kinsey said...

i will say that i "called" a name with my best girl friends a LONG TIME AGO...like high school! but i didn't really "call" it, i just have always talked about loving it and using it so my friends have told me they would never touch it. ha! they've even always referred to my first born by the name. :-)

but 2 of my cousins and one of scott's close friends just used it, so obviously they didn't respect me the way my girlfriends do. kidding!!! but they did use it, which semi takes the fun out of it for me...except we would use a different form of the name if we use it. which hopefully we will get to, on either this baby or the next :-)

as scott says, "screw other people...use whatever name you like!" he says this because i love having a different name and was hoping our kids would too...but now that name is popular. oh well.

and my sister called using my mom's name...so i know it's off limits for me to use. but i'm ok with that.

WHOA, sorry for the novel!!

kinsey said...

oh, and i only claimed one name, and there was a story behind why i liked it so much! i did not claim one for each sex :-)

Daniel and Ashleigh Hansberger said...

I have always told my family and maybe some of my friends that I was going to use my grandmother's name if I had a girl (which obviously didn't happen.) When we were talking about names, that is the only one that both Daniel and I loved, so we will always use it regardless of any of my friends using it. Name your child whatever you want! It is your child. (Also, I found it best not to tell a bunch of people because we got so many opinions. Especially from my family.) To be honest- I could care less about what they think about the name- they will love the child when it arrives, no matter what the name. Hope this makes sense. (I'm rambling)

Jay and Kristen said...

That's hilarious! I think you should name your babies whatever you want to name them...who cares if someone else has "claimed" it. Chances are that these kids are going to have "name twins" in school anyway like we all did and it wasn't all that bad! By the way, when's the next supper club?? Have we missed it again?