Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
I suppose one might consider it a blessing not to have anything crazy, scary, sad, etc...to blog about on a regular basis. And with no munchkins in munchkin land as of yet, that is another area lacking much to report on, post funny pics from, and request advice for.
So---here I find myself with writer's block..errr...blogger's block???
Sure, we've been up to stuff. Sophie had surgery, and is making a speedy recovery. We've had family members fall ill, some getting better faster than others. We've been out and about with friends for dinner and such. I have met some gal pals and long,long time friends for fun dinners.
But, as for comedic, photo-worthy, prayer-needing or just plain popped-into-my-head-think-i'll post-about-it encounters...fraid not.
Perhaps this weekend will hold more than meets the eye and I'll have some post-worthy material. But, 'til creativity comes a knockin' on my door, I shall continue to live vicariously through my fun blogging buddies' posts.
Hope everyone is well and enjoys their weekends.
Peace =)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Post Op Care = Closet Cleanout
Monday, March 9, 2009
"They say it's your birthday, nnnn, nah, nah nah nah NAH!
Mabry checking out the cake from an aerial view on Poppa
German chocolate. Mmmm...Deelish.
You know you've have a good day when you get to enjoy 2 rounds of cake, both of which had stellar icing :) :) !!!
That night all of the grown ups headed to Diamond Backs for a scrumptious birthday dinner celebration. We had the best time and enjoyed many, many laughs, many of which surrounded debates over hidden-addictions to reality tv. My, my, what has our world come to?!!?
The whole gang, from left to right: Scott, Ash, Brooke, Reg, Jordan, Kimberly, Mom, Dad
What a great few weeks it has been celebrating one birthday after another!!! I tell you what, there must be something about May and June that makes babies magically appear 9 months later.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
London was Lovely.. .and Paris - Qui! Qui!
...shopped in Covent Garden (the young, trendy area), toured Kensington Palace (Princess Diana's former residence), walked through Hyde Park and saw the nutjobs/crazies vant and rave at Speaker's Corner
...went for a ride on The London Eye
...made an unplanned visit to the South Kensington Police Station (long story)
...ate at Wagamama, which was still just as deelish as J-man and I remembered it 8 years ago
...drank a pint at the famous and nostalgic Waxy O'Conner's, ate pizza late night from a street vendor (a must-do)...
...walked The Tower Bridge
...toured The Tower of London, saw the Crown Jewels...
...toured Westminster Abbey
...went to see Wicked. It.Was.Fabulous.
...shopped 'til we dropped at Harrods
...and did some more great shopping at Fortnum and Mason, too.
Toured and hiked 200+ steps to the top of the Arc de Triomphe
...and Bell Tower (ya know, Quasimoto) where we hiked 600+ more steps
After some hardcore touring in the a.m., we headed to The Eiffel Tower for some relaxation at an amazing lunch midway up the actual Tower at the restuarant Jules Verne. The food, service, and views were all abolutely phenomenal. Nothing better than sipping champagne mid-day atop the Eiffel Tower...ahhh....can we go back yet?!?
Okay, back on track...after the Eiffel Tower we headed back towards our hotel which was just off the Champs de Elysees. On the way back as we strolled down the Champs de Elysees we did some window shopping...some of those stores were a tad too rich for my blood :). That night Jordan and I went out just the 2 of us, and it was SUCH a treat. We walked the streets and stumbled upon this adorable little Italian restaurant( I know, we were in France, but hey, who's counting). We chatted, chomped on tasty pizza and sipped on red wine, all the while soaking in the charm of it all :). Pardon the overly-cheesy-tone...but it was really such a nice, simple, quaint night for us.
Friday morning we were up early again and out the door to the Louvre. We toured for 6 hours (yes, you read that right, 6 hours)...and just about collapsed from exhaustion that afternoon.
But there was no time to rest...we hopped on the Metro back to hotel and loaded into a cab back to the train station to catch our train back to London. Once back in London it was straight to the hotel and straight to bed, as our flight was awaiting us the next morning for our return home.
The trip was wonderful - the sights, the food, the company, the accomodations, the weather...all of it...wonderful. It was, however, great to be home in the end. I do love traveling, but nothing beats a much needed good night's sleep back in your own bed. And for your information, I was in bed by 7:30pm the night we got home...but give me a break, to my body clock, which was still on Paris time, it was 2:30a.m.
Okay, I have no crafty way to wrap this post up - so- The End.