Is it possible for "seems like it was just yesterday" to also feel like "its been a million years?" Well, to me, the answer is a resounding 'Yes'.
This past weekend I had my 10 Year Highschool Reunion, and man, oh, man, is it hard to believe that 1) 10 years have already passed and 2)I seriously thought some of my hair styles and clothing choices back then were even remotely cute.
Anywho...back on task.
I was a class officer and therefore was tagged nearly a year ago to help in planning the Reunion Weekend events. Through many months of emails and numerous conference calls with fellow planners (none of us still live in Waco, and most are pretty well spread-out) we planned a simple but event-full couple of days for our fellow classmates of Midway High School Class of 1999.
Cue the Prince song, please. "I'm gonna party like it's nineteen ninety-nine!"
Really, aside from the absolute monsoon that announced its arrival in Texas on Thursday and finally left this morning (yes, today
is Tuesday), the weekend's festivities went off without a hitch.
Well, I take that back. I did not attend the game, nor did any of the alumni I don't think? It was literally pouring down buckets upon buckets of rain.
Saturday morning we hosted a lunch at our
old High School. The power was out due to the crazy rain, so they had to relocate us...drumroll what used to be the Senior Hall. Ha!!! It was actually pretty nostalgic. Our old lockers, classrooms, etc...Man, if those walls could talk! Yikes!
Aftertwards we all headed over to the Taj-Mahal-of-a-place that they call the new High School. That. Place. Was. Massive. Talk about upgrade.
That evening we hosted the "main event" at the Texas Sports Hall of Fame. The food, the company, the slideshow, 90's iPod playlist, etc...It was all perfectly fitting for our class.
Good grief, thank heavens for nametags with classmate's Senior pictures on them. Those suckers were lifesavers! Honestly, though, thanks to Blogs and Facebook, there was not nearly the level of shock, amount of double takes, or desperate wracking your brain for names as what there could have been.
It was a great, great weekend spent catching up many good, old, familiar faces.
Below are some pics from the weekend.
Disclaimer: The picture where we are noticeably younger is from our Senior Trip to Cancun. Yeah, don't be jealous of our sweet outfits, hair, and the must-have item of the season...the across-the-chest purse! Too, too funny.